

RECENT WORK AND reflections


Winter Engagements | Jessica’s Photography

Sam and Alivia snuggled up for a snowy winter engagement shoot. The sunny but cold day made for a gorgeous backdrop, the freshly fallen snow hung on the branches of the massive pine trees, while Alivia hung onto Sam for warmth. The bright sun added a warm and loving glow to the icy snow below. […]



Happy 10 Jessica’s Photography and The Riter Mansion

In February I celebrated 10 years in business!  I can’t believe it has been that long, I remember going into the Smithfield City Offices and filling out my papers to start my business.  I had no clue what I was doing at the age of 19, but I knew it was what I wanted to […]



Logan Utah Portrait Photographer

Michelle Gifford with Michelle Gifford Photography started an amazing project! She wanted to recognize women who are truly beautiful. She asked 50 photographers in the state of Utah to be apart of the Beauty Revived campaign. Beauty Revived is beauty being measured by courage and is dedicated to uplift, inspire and empower others to shed […]




Something Beautiful

I am so excited you took the time to visit my site and can’t wait to hear what your photography needs are. I look forward to connecting and hope for the chance to create some beautiful images together.